Northern Health provides a wide range of health services to the population it serves. Each year Northern Health is challenged to provide high-quality accessible services within the available financial, human, and capital resources. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, Northern Health realized an operating surplus of $4.9 million (0.6% of budgeted expenditures).
Total revenues for the year were $816.4 million, an increase of $35.4 million, or 2.2% from the year before. Funding from the Ministry of Health is Northern Health’s primary source of revenue. In 2016-17 operating funding from the Ministry of Health was $588.1 million, which represented 72% of total revenues.
Total expenses for the year were $811.5 million, an increase of $20.8 million, or 2.6% from the year before. Acute care remains the largest sector of expenditure at $457.9 million, or 56% of total expenses. The next largest sector is community services at $182.2 million, or 23% of total expenses.