By taking oral medication daily prior to being exposed to HIV, you can reduce your risk of contracting the virus significantly. You might think about asking your care provider whether this treatment, called PrEP, is right for you.
If you don’t have a family doctor or nurse practitioner, or aren’t comfortable discussing PrEP with them, you can refer yourself to the BCCDC's STI Clinic. Through the TelePrEP program, you can be assessed for and prescribed PrEP virtually by their clinicians. To book an appointment for assessment, call the BCCDC at 1-604-707-5600 and request a TelePrEP appointment for Northern Health.
Remember the catchphrase: "1 condom, equals 0 transmission, and that can equal 1 life saved."
Talk to your family doctor, nurse practitioner, or contact the HIV/HCV Specialized Support Team. If you have further questions about HIV or any other topic about your sexual health talk to a registered nurse at the BC Centre for Disease Control.
For more information about the administrative team who support chronic disease services, see the Regional Chronic Disease Program.