
Preparing for your appointment

Your appointment

  • Access medical history
  • Provide assessment via phone or video conferencing
  • Provide health advice and information
  • Connect to appropriate programs and services
  • Answer general questions

What do I need for my appointment?

A phone: Must accept calls from blocked, unknown, or 1-800 numbers.

For video calls, you need a reliable device with sound, camera, and microphone. Examples include:

  • Computer
  • Laptop
  • Smartphone
  • Tablet

Note: You will need a connection to the internet through cable, Wi-Fi, satellite, or cellular data. You are responsible for costs related to this connection. 

BC Virtual Visit support.

What does a virtual appointment (visit) look like?

Virtual visits allow you to talk to a health care provider from the comfort of your own home over video or a phone call. It's your choice.

  • Video: If you have video capability, your health provider may share information with you by sharing their screen. If you have video capability, you and your health care provider can see, hear, and talk to each other.
    • Booking regarding dermatology, or any appointment that require the provider a visual of the client's issue/concern
    • 65 years and older
    • 12 years and under (child and parent must be present at appointment)
  • Phone: The Provider will contact you by phone if your appointment does not require video as listed above.

What should I have on hand for my appointment?

  • Your BC Services Card (Care Card)
  • List of medications, vitamins, and supplements
  • Preferred pharmacy
  • Medical history and symptoms
  • List of any questions you want to ask
  • Pen and paper to write down notes
  • Phone number of health care provider or Providers office/clinic
  • Forms that may need to be filled out. Note: not all forms are eligible for virtual care
  • ICBC or WorkSafe BC claim information
  • Private and quiet location for your appointment
  • Virtual health visit checklist (PDF)