Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility to participate in physical activities for life. Physical activity is any movement using the body that requires energy and increases heart rate and respiratory rate.
The more we participate in various activities, the more physically literate we become, the more we enjoy and want to continue being active. As our physical literacy and physical activity levels increase, our health outcomes improve.
Developing physical literacy is a lifelong journey. Individuals of any age and ability can explore, learn, and improve movement skills, which enable participation in physical activities that contribute to improved health and quality of life.
Background information
- Canada’s physical literacy consensus statement (PDF) - Physical Literacy
Provincial initiatives
- Physical activity and physical literacy - HealthLink BC
- Early years (0-4 years) (PDF) - HealthLink BC
- Children and youth (5-17 years) (PDF) - HealthLink BC
- Adults (18-64 years) (PDF) - HealthLink BC
- Older adults (65+ years) (PDF) - HealthLink BC
- School physical activity and physical literacy project - School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy
- Active for life resources - Active for Life
- Enhancing movement skills in your child - About Kids Health
- HANDS UP 1 - Introduction to physical and health literacy (video) - Ophea
- Healthy eating and physical activity in the early years - Appetite to Play
- Inclusive play for children with physical disabilities - Let’s play BC
- Physical literacy - ParticipACTION
- Physical literacy across the lifespan (video) - IHDCYH Talks
- Sport for life physical literacy - Sport for Life
- Understanding physical literacy in the context of health: A rapid scoping review - BMC Public Health