Physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for falls. A healthy mix of daily physical activity with a focus on improving strength and balance will help reduce the risk of falls and the risk of serious injury resulting from a fall. It’s never too early or too late to start building physical literacy and set yourself up to be physically active for life.
General information
- Active and safe central - BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU)
- Fall prevention - Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)
Northern Health resources
- Physical activity for falls prevention (PDF) - Northern Health
- Senior’s falls prevention - Northern Health
Resources for adults and older adults
- 14 exercises for seniors to improve strength and balance - Lifeline Canada
- Active at home videos - Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
- Choose to move at home - Active Aging Society
- Exercise - Finding Balance BC
- Exercises to improve mobility and prevent falls - National Health Service
- Falls in seniors - Parachute
- Staying active at home - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- Strength and balance exercises - Ottawa Public Health
- You can prevent falls - Public Health Agency of Canada
Resources for children and youth
- Balance activities for kids - Active for Life
- Balance and coordination - Kid Sense (Australia)
- Falls in children - Parachute
- Strength and endurance - Kid Sense (Australia)