This page is for parents and caregivers of young children. Explore the sections below to find information and resources on various topics related to feeding toddlers and preschoolers.
Clients in Northern BC who are looking for nutrition assessment and support from a registered dietitian can:
- Call dietitian services at HealthLink BC by dialing 8-1-1 or 604-215-8110 in some Northern communities
- Request a referral to a Northern Health clinical dietitian in your area
For more information, contact the Population Health Nutrition Team by email at
How to feed toddlers and preschoolers
- With time and practice, kids will learn to eat a variety of foods. Adults can help to make learning about food and eating feel safe and comfortable
- Adults decide what foods to offer, and when and where to serve meals and snacks
- Kids decide how much to eat, and which foods to choose from what is provided
- Eating together is good for adults and kids, and supports healthy eating
- Coaching kids to become good eaters (PDF) - Northern Health
- Cooking with kids (PDF) - Northern Health
- Hello cup...and bye bye bottle (PDF) - Northern Health
- Helping your 1-3 year old eat well - HealthLink BC
- Picky eater? Kids are "eaters in training" (PDF) - Northern Health
- Talking to kids about food (PDF) - Northern Health
- The benefits of eating together for children and families - HealthLink BC
- Vegetables: A kid-friendly approach (PDF) - Northern Health
Featured NH Stories
What to feed toddlers and preschoolers
- Balanced meals include foods from each food grouping of Canada's food guide; balanced snacks contain foods from 2 food groupings
- Offer milk or water with meals and snacks. Between times, offer water
- Avoid foods that are a choking risk until children are at least 4 years old
- Meal and snack ideas for your 1-3 year old - HealthLink BC
- Peanut and nut aware lunches and snacks (PDF) - Northern Health
- Re-fresh your drink: Help kids to choose water (PDF) - Northern Health
- Snackmaster (PDF) - Northern Health
- Vegetarian feeding guidelines for babies and toddlers - HealthLink BC
- Vitamin D for breastfed infants and toddlers in Northern BC (PDF) - Northern Health
- Vitamin D for children in Northern BC (PDF) - Northern Health
Featured NH Stories
Additional resources
- Eaters and feeders - Resources and links for the public - Ellyn Satter Institute (ESI)
- Toddler’s first steps: A best chance guide to parenting your 6 to 36-month-old child - Government of BC
- Preschool nutrition (video) - Raising our Healthy Kids