
Breastfeeding-friendly spaces

Breastfeeding friendly space decal

Northern Health is committed to supporting breastfeeding*-friendly spaces across Northern BC. This includes public spaces, workplaces, businesses, and organizations.

We encourage businesses and organizations to prominently display the provincial breastfeeding/chestfeeding decal (PDF, shown to the right) to show your commitment to support breastfeeding-friendly spaces.

Request your decal online from Northern Health.

*Note: We use the term breastfeeding. Some parents may prefer nursing, chestfeeding, or human milk feeding.

Why support breastfeeding-friendly spaces?

  • Parents need to be able to respond to their children's needs, any time, anywhere.
  • Appropriate spaces for breastfeeding support families to actively participate in their communities. This is important for the well-being of children, parents, families, and communities.
  • Breastfeeding is a human right that is protected by the British Columbia Human Rights Code (PDF). It is discriminatory to ask a person to stop breastfeeding, cover up, or move somewhere else.
  • Employers are expected to take reasonable steps to accommodate the breastfeeding needs of their employees, including pumping milk while at work.

What your organization can do