The NH Research Seminar Series is an opportunity to share and learn about health research that can inform Northern Health priorities. This series promotes research conducted in the north and also seeks to invite speakers highlighting relevant research across the globe. This series is open to everyone (NH staff, physicians, patients, community members, academic partners) All are welcome to join! The series are a free one hour presentation followed by thirty minutes of questions and discussion.
Upcoming series 2025:
- March 27, 2025: Strategies to support older adults to live well in our Northern communities. Presented by: Shannon Freeman.
Register here.
Past presentations
- January: Improving long term care through a data-driven model. Presented by: Matthew Fagan.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: KA0Q89J&
- November: Using BCPCM Patient Experience Survey Data. This presentation will highlight and discuss approaches to using BCPCM data in evaluation, research, and quality improvement projects. Presented by: Michelle Riddle.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: *60i=&jN
- September: Linking strategic health research development to informing evidence-based practice: Experiences of a rural health care organization in the United Kingdom. Presented by: Visiting scholar, Dr. Bonnie Teague.
Listen to the recording
- March: Advancing patient-oriented research: Resources, experiences, and available supports. Presented by: Davina Banner-Lukaris, Shayna Dolan, Leana Garraway, Marc Bains, Sherri Mytopher and Rhyann Fairbrother.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: @#nTrn8R
- January: How to build a clinical trials program. During the last 5 years, BC Cancer Centre for the North has successfully developed a clinical trials program, bringing novel treatment options to Northern BC. Presenters highlighted collaboration, successes, challenges and future plans. Presented by: Dr. Roel Schlijper-Bos and Dr. Robert Olson.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: ?CLan6l@
- October: An interdisciplinary panel comprised of members of NH and UNBC discussed the important work the two institutions do in partnership towards improving health research in the North. It includes examples from projects, activities and innovations from the panelists’ own work.
Listen to the recording
- May: A descriptive study of the patient journey for patients with Opioid Use Disorder enrolled in a rural Opioid Agonist Therapy program in Northern British Columbia. Presented by: Rob Pammett.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: NH@research2023
- March: Harmonization of group perspectives: A case study of clinical practice guideline implementation at a large regional health authority. Presented by: Dr. Fraser Bell.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: i#1*nY6^
- January: Understanding engagement in care for patients who access Opioid Agonist Therapy. Presented by: Dr. Erin Wilson and Kristine Rowswell.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: NH@research2023
- November: Meeting the future challenges of climate change using clinical informatics, machine-learning, and artificial intelligence. Presented by: Dr. Andrew Deonarine.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: NH@research2022
- June: A quality improvement approach to the appropriate use of antipsychotics in long-term care. Presented by: Tracee Dunn.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: brownbag@2022
- May: Building a Northern biobank: A community effort. Presented by: Dr. Nadine Caron.
- March: Sustainability failure: Understanding the factors influencing sustainability of innovations in the Canadian health care system. Presented by: Dr. Raelene Marceau.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: brownbag@2022
- February: Barriers to engagement in patient-oriented research. Presented by: Dr. Davina Banner, Dr. Nancy Clark, Barbara Croome and Shayna Dolan.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: brownbag@2022
- January: Understanding the experience of rural maternity care providers during the COVID-19 response in British Columbia. Presented by: Catilin Blewett and Dr. Trina Fyfe.
Listen to the recording | Passcode: brownbag@2022
- November: What about the kids? Learnings from early years research initiatives in northern BC in the midst of COVID-19. Presented by: Dr. Caroline Sanders, Erica Koopmans, Lisa Provencher, Tess Amyot and Theresa Frank.
Listen to the recording
- October: From cumulative impacts to co-benefits: Why engaging intersectoral partners on the health impacts of resource development offers pathways to a healthier future for northern British Columbia. Presented by: Dr. Margot Parkes, Dr. Raina Fumerton and Sally Western.
Listen to the recording
- June: Climate change and health impacts in northern British Columbia: An overview. Presented by: Naomi Khan, Lisa Ronald and Paula Tait.
Listen to the recording
- February: Rehospitalization risk factors for mental health and substance use in northern British Columbia. Presented by: Jim Campbell.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording
- January: Leveraging technology to support persons living with dementia in rural and northern communities. Presented by: Dr. Shannon Freeman and Dr. Richard McAloney.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording
- November: Using hand sanitizer safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented by: Anne-Marie Nicol, PhD, National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health (NCCEH).
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - October: Making the case for telehealth services in Northern BC: Examination of the effects of teletrauma and telegeriatics. Presented by: Georgia Betkus.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - September: How creating a safe space for cultural safety conversations can bring about innovative ideas and inform change. Presented by: Victoria Carter and Semiguul.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - June: Defining, enhancing and implementing a person and family centered care approach in long term care through DementiAbility, GPA, etc. Presented by: Marcia Bertschi and Cheryl Block.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - May: Two-day protocol strategy to reduce wait times for nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion imaging at Fort St. John Hospital. Presented by: Gene Blair I. Saldana.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - April: Exploring the experiences of rural emergency room nursing staff with recruitment and retention of rural physicians: A unique viewpoint on a systemic challenge. Presented by: Dietrich Furstenburg and Janna Olynick.
PDF overview | Listen to the recording - February: Understanding barriers to health care access through cultural safety and ethical space: Indigenous people's experiences in Prince George, Canada. Presented by: Sarah Nelson and Kathi Wilson.
PDF PP presentation | Listen to the recording - January: Rural Site Visits Project. Presented by: Dr. Stuart Johnston, Dr. Dave Snadden, Erika Belanger and Krystal Wong.
PDF PP presentation | Rural Site Visits Project: Community Feedback Report #4
- November: The Understanding and Management of Stroke Risk in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Living in Northern British Columbia (PDF)
Recording: The Understanding and Management of Stroke Risk in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Living in Northern British Columbia - October: Untangling Complexities: Journey to Inactive Status of Casual Home Support Community Health Workers (PDF)
Recording: Untangling Complexities: Journey to Inactive Status of Casual Home Support Community Health Workers - September: Developing a Northern BC Knowledge Synthesis Centre (PDF)
Recording: Developing a Northern BC Knowledge Synthesis Centre - June: Co-Creating Meaningful Patient Oriented Participatory Research on Gardening and Horticultural Therapy in a Long-Term Care Facility (PDF)
Recording: Co-Creating Meaningful Patient Oriented Participatory Research on Gardening and Horticultural Therapy in a Long-Term Care Facility - May: Conceptualizing “patient-oriented” for population health research (PDF)
Recording: Conceptualizing “patient-oriented” for population health research - April: Trends in Prehospital Research: Opportunities for Engagement (PDF)
Recording: Trends in Prehospital Research: Opportunities for Engagement - March: Incorporating Business Process Management, Business Ontology and Business Architecture in Medication Management Quality (PDF)
Recording: Incorporating Business Process Management, Business Ontology and Business Architecture in Medication Management Quality - February: What does it really take to change clinical practice? Exploring the uptake of oral anticoagulation prescription in the emergency department (PDF)
Recording: What does it really take to change clinical practice? Exploring the uptake of oral anticoagulation prescription in the emergency department - January: Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for Oligometastatic Disease - Is a New Treatment Paradigm Coming? (PDF)
Recording: Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for Oligometastatic Disease - Is a New Treatment Paradigm Coming?
- November: Integrative Practices: Understanding How NPs Engage in PHC in Northern BC (PDF)
Recording: Integrative Practices: Understanding How NPs Engage in PHC in Northern BC - October: Aging and Concerns for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Seniors in the North Region of British Columbia (PDF)
Recording: Aging and Concerns for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Seniors in the North Region of British Columbia - September: Clinical Applications of AI in Radiation Oncology (PDF)
Recording: Clinical Applications of AI in Radiation Oncology - June: Primary Care Providers Perception of Standardized Electronic Medication Monitoring Plans (PDF)
Recording: Primary Care Providers Perception of Standardized Electronic Medication Monitoring Plans - May: Exercising While Dialyzing: A Best Practices Implementation Feasibility Study
Recording: Exercising While Dialyzing: A Best Practices Implementation Feasibility Study - April: Mental health service users' and carers' experiences of cancer care (PDF)
Recording: Mental health service users' and carers' experiences of cancer care - March: Outcomes from the Prince George Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program: Filling a service gap while training students in patient care and quality improvement (PDF)
Recording: Outcomes from the Prince George Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program: Filling a service gap while training students in patient care and quality improvement - February: The Challenges of Rural Research (PDF)
Recording: The Challenges of Rural Research - January: Proteoglycans in Breast Cancer (PDF)
Recording: Proteoglycans in Breast Cancer
- November: Findings From The Nak'azdli Lha'hutit'en Project (PDF)
Recording: Findings From The Nak'azdli Lha'hutit'en Project - October: Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) (PDF)
- September: The Developmental Origin of Health and Disease: A Sex and Gender Perspective (PDF)
Recording: The Developmental Origin of Health and Disease: A Sex and Gender Perspective - June: Development and Evaluation of Innovative Peer-led Physical Activity Programs for Mental Health Service Users (PDF)
Recording: Development and Evaluation of Innovative Peer-led Physical Activity Programs for Mental Health Service Users - May: An Update on Children's Health in Northern BC (PDF)
Recording: An Update on Children’s Health in Northern BC - April: Bridges and Barriers to Care for Women Struggling with Substance-use During Pregnancy in Northern BC (PDF)
Recording: Bridges and Barriers to Care for Women Struggling with Substance-use During Pregnancy in Northern BC - March: Navigating Ethics for Research Studies (PDF)
Recording: Navigating Ethics for Research Studies - February: Working with Men who Have Sex with Men (PDF)
Recording: Working with Men who have sex with Men - January: Statistics Canada Research Data Centres (PDF)
- January: Implementation and Evaluation of a Community Based STI/HIV Testing Program in a High Risk Population (PDF)
- March: Using Business Intelligence for Efficient Inter-Facility Patient Transfer (PDF)
- April: Brain and Muscle Circulation and Metabolism (PDF)
- June: Improving Access, Quality & Safety of Healthcare Delivery in the North through Improved Collaboration between Providers (PDF)
- November: Putting the POWERPLAY Advantage to Work: The Development & Optimization of a Workplace Mental Wellness Module for Men in Northern and Rural Locations (PDF)
- January: HRI Members Partnered in Research: What's Happening in the North (PDF)
- March: Facilitating Relationships: Northern Health's Partnering for Healthier Communities Approach (PDF)
- April: Negotiation of Primary Care Within an Interprofessional Team (PDF)
- May: Partnering for Change: Engaging Municipal Leaders in Primary Health Care Transformation (PDF)
- June: Accelerating Action on Cancer Control with and for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples and Partners (PDF)
- September: Assessing the Comprehensiveness of HIV Prevention, Treatment, and Care Services for People Who Inject Drugs in Northern BC (PDF)
- October: Initiative for a Palliative Approach in Nursing: Evidence and Leadership (PDF)
- November: Worth the Energy! The Effects of Spiritual/Energy Healing Upon Spiritual Health Indicators (PDF)
- February: Harmonization-Tobacco Use Affects Surgical Outcomes (PDF)
- March: Point of Care Contributions to Evidence Informed Practice (PDF)
- April: Equity Driven Evaluation and Knowledge Translation (PDF)
- May: Implications for Health of BC First Nations Reincarnation Belief (PDF)
- June: Strategies Needed to Face the Challenges of an Out-Patient IV Therapy Department (PDF)
- September: Examining the Relationship Between Environment and Physical and Mental Well Being of BCs Indigenous Communities (PDF)
- October: Are our Clients in Northern Health in the Right Place at the Right Time - Example of Residential Care (PDF)
- November: The Depth of Water Requires Knowledge: Listening to the Voices of the HIV Patient Journey (PDF)