
Chief Medical Health Officer’s reports

Chief Medical Health Officers report: Child health (2016)

Essential to lifelong wellness for every person in Northern BC is a healthy pregnancy and a healthy childhood. Everyone deserves a good start. This report attempts to explain some of the factors that may serve to compromise or protect children’s health in the North.

Based on the findings from the child health report, the Northern Health board will launch its seventh community consultation on this topic. The consultation process will include online engagement through surveys, public sessions, focus groups, youth groups, and more. The plans for the public consultation are currently being finalized and will be shared in the near future. We expect the consultation process to begin in May.


Population health and oil and gas activities (2007)

A preliminary assessment of the situation in North Eastern BC - a report from the Medical Health Officer to the Board of Northern Health. For the report, click here.


Where are the men? (2011)

This was part of a conversation on men’s health sparked by the report "Where are the men? Chief Medical Health Officer’s report on the health and wellbeing of men and boys in Northern BC".

As noted in Where are the Men?, Northern men don't live as long as those in BC's lower mainland. As well, men die earlier than women of virtually all causes. The 2011 men's health focus groups targeted First Nations, transportation, oil/gas/forestry/mining, and more.
